As of 9/10, the library is currently out of Laptops, Chromebooks and Hotspots.
Please stop by the front desk or call 508-588-9100 x1941 to be put on a waiting list for a device.
Swipe left to find a time that fits your schedule.
Login to the form using your Massasoit gmail (
Pickups are handled by the library front desk. The library is located in the Student Center (SC) Building.
Further instructions are in your confirmation email.
Directions for parking and access
Park in the student lot across from the Student Center (SC) and Business (B) building
The Library is located on the first floor of the Student Center, across from the Dining Hall
Please have a photo or student ID with you. (Student IDs can be obstained in the Student Life office on the ground floor of the Student Center).
Available times
Your appointment